
Muscular System . Muscles Attach To The Skeleton By Tendons.

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Muscular System

Muscles attach to the skeleton by tendons. Muscle tissue is responsible for the mechanical process of movement. The 650 muscles are given Latin names according to location, relative size, shape and their action. Muscles are signaled to contract via nerve impulses.
The muscular system most important function is to create movement, it also protects the organs. The cardiac muscle is required to pump blood around the body and the smooth muscle ensures blood flow and aids digestion
The types of muscle
Muscle tissue is categorized into three distinct types: skeletal, cardiac, and smooth. The smooth muscle originates inside of organs and is controlled by the un-conscious part of the brain and they make up the walls of hollow …show more content…

Eccentric contractions cause muscles to lengthen in response to a greater opposing force. Isometric contractions generate force without changing the length of the muscle.
Response and adaptations of the muscular system
The equine muscular system is highly responsive to exercise. When exercising and training a horse there will be an increased aerobic capacity and an increase in muscle size and muscle strength and also a change in fiber type.
The muscular system also improves in the capacity to utilize oxygen and fuel utilization when training. Other responses to training include r utilization of muscle glycogen and blood glucose, greater reliance on fat oxidation, and less lactate production. An increased aerobic enzyme activity and an increased oxidative capacity. This is what allows a more efficient use of energy substrates.
A fit horse can perform more work before reaching its maximum capacity, this is due to conditioning. The training will result in enlargement of the heart muscle to enable the heart to circulate blood more competently. And therefore the heart is able to pump more blood with each beat so that it doesn’t have to work as hard during exercise.
Effects of physical stress
The release of the cortisol hormone will start a “fight or flight” reaction, which is caused by stress. This then decreases the movement of glucose which is from the blood into their muscle cells, because of this

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