
Musculoskeletal Disorders

Decent Essays

The musculoskeletal system is comprised of the bones, joints, muscle, tendons, ligaments and burse of the body. The major function of this system are to support and protect the body and foster movement of the extremities. Musculoskeletal disorder and injuries directly affect the quality of life of individuals and are causes of disability in the United States (BUNNER&SUDDART'S, 2014)
Nursing work have highly dependence on musculoskeletal system to deliver high-quality health care to patients which involves heavy manual lifting associated with transferring and repositioning patient and assisting patients during gait activities. Furthermore, nurses work in the same positions for extended periods of time are constantly Standing, …show more content…

(Nkhata, 2015)
Data were collected about the prevalence of nurses suffering of work-related musculoskeletal disorder in Saudi Arabia are few. Our study will determine job risk factors and raise awareness regarding to caring of critical ill patients at King Abdul-Aziz university hospital.

Research Question:
What are the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorder among nurses?
What are the predisposing risk factors for musculoskeletal disorder development among nurses? Search strategy:
Key terms:
Nurse, nursing, nurses, risk factors, musculoskeletal disorder, prevalence.
Inclusion and Exclusion criteria:
In our search we focus about a prevalence for musculoskeletal disorders as a general and its risk factor for registered nurses in tertiary hospitals .from 2007 until 2017. We exclude all remain health care providers, all students and …show more content…

Most of the researchers confirmed that the part of the body that usually affected ( neck, low back,) by many risk factors due to their job E.g. working for more than 10 hours in one shift, patient need to change his\her position every 2 hours, some nursing procedure required long time standing, transferring the patient from bed to chair. There are a few studies about this issue in Saudi Arabia so maybe our study will help in fill this gap and raise awareness of that

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