
Music And Its Impact On Society

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Throughout the history of mankind, music has existed in an irremovable capacity in our existence. It has pervaded through every culture, every country and even through the deepest reaches of the dark void of space. Music has also existed in every religion known to the human race. But can music itself be considered a religion in its own right? Music is celebrated and revered by almost all who listen to it, and the health benefits associated with music are growing with every bit of research performed. It would seem appropriate that music would enjoy the status of a major religion, especially since very nearly every art form is bound to music in one way or another, and considering that without music our society as a whole would quite possibly cease to be in its entirety. To get a better idea behind the religion of music and what qualifies it for religious status, a closer look must be taken at three specific points. The music of the religious in terms of history, the music of culture and country, and the music of our daily lives. One of the earlier examples of music being tied deeply to a society and to their religion is in ancient Greek mythology as well as their society. Not only is music in ancient Greece considered sacred, the very term music originated from the word Muse and the Muses, who in Greek mythology were the daughters of Zeus and the goddesses that represented the arts in all of their many forms, and even to the modern day many writers and musicians can be heard

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