
Music In Film F14 Syllabus

Better Essays

Fall 2014
Instructor: Dr. Jack Unzicker
Office Number: Fine Arts Building, Room 254
Office Telephone Number: 817.272.1103
Email Address:
Students are required to use their official UT Arlington e-mail address for all university-related business.
Faculty Profile:
Office Hours: By appointment. To schedule an appointment, email and include your available times.
Section Information: MUSI 2301.001
Time and Place of Class Meetings: 1:00-1:50pm Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays,
Fine Arts Building, Room 258
Description of Course Content: A study of the history, compositional styles and impact of music in films during the 20th century.
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Photography, video, and audio recording of lectures and PowerPoint slides are not allowed, without a written consent and consent.
Course content issues: This course will observe the university’s guidelines for avoiding sexual harassment. However, because the arts often imitate and represent human living and because sexuality, politics, religion, and personal ethics are all part of life, some materials in this course may deal with sexual, political, religious, or ethical behaviors, situations, or language. People offended by such subjects may want to reconsider taking this course.


Tentative Course Schedule. Film and Composer List. See Blackboard for updates.
Week 1: 8.22
Review of Syllabus
Intro to Film Music/Vocabulary for Music in Film
Week 2: 8.25-8.29
Intro to Film Music/Vocabulary for Music in Film
King Kong (Steiner) (1933) (first full-length film score)
Robin Hood (Korngold) (1938) (leitmotif)
Week 3: 9.1-9.5
Monday, 9.1: NO CLASS, Labor Day Holiday
Of Mice and Men (Copland) (1939) (reaction against leitmotif)
Friday, 9.5: NO CLASS, Houston Clinics
Week 4: 9.8-9.12
Casablanca (Steiner) (1942) (use of diegetic vs. non-diegetic music, score based on prewritten song)
EXAM I (9.10)
Laura (Raksin) (1944) (mono-thematic)
Week 5: 9.15-9.19
Laura (Raksin) (1944) (mono-thematic)
The Lost Weekend (Rosza) (1945) (Theremin)
Week 6: 9.22-9.26
High Noon (Tiomkin) (1952) (score based on hit song – changed direction of

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