
My American Dream

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Every day as I walk towards all of my classes and feel the thousands of people around me, I remind myself that it wasn’t always like this. Who would have known that a boy from a small pueblo in the tropical island of Puerto Rico would end up going to the largest university in the state of Tennessee. As a young man, never in a million years would I have imagined my life to be the way it is now and it began ten years ago on the day that my family and I landed in the Nashville airport. Excitement filled all of our hearts for this new beginning, and the first memory I have was when we first stepped out of the airport that December afternoon. There was something different about the way the air and the sun felt on my skin. Almost as if the air had …show more content…

At this moment in my life, I can look back at those memories and recognize how much they have influenced who I am as a person. Even though I miss and love my hometown, moving to the United States is probably one of the best things that has happened to my family and I. There are so many more opportunities for me to advance and grow as individual in this country and I am forever grateful to be here. Having to adjust to this new lifestyle and learn to a new language were truly one the hardest challenges of my life, but without those challenges I would not be who I am today. Those challenges prepared me for life because every day there is a new challenge that I face and for the rest of my life I will forever have obstacles to overcome. That does not only apply for me, but for everyone in this planet because a perfect life does not exist. What is important for me to always remember is to keep pushing, work hard for what you want, and never ever give up on your passions. Now we all have obstacles we have to overcome, but we also have beautiful moments and memories that also influence who we are. It is important to cherish those moments and the people who are part of those moments as well because we only have one life. As a young boy I would have never imagine the way my life is now and I am at a point in my life where I feel the happiest and the most appreciative. As I walk to class every day, I feel so blessed knowing that I am able to get an education and even though sometimes college gets tremendously hectic and I feel like I want to give up, I look back at that boy reading his homework over and over again trying to make sense of it and I tell me myself…..keep

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