
My Ancestors Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

For the past 4 years I’ve been tracing my ancestors. My family tree has been filling up with names and information of people I never heard. I get excited every time I discover a new name, marriage, children’s, and their different jobs. I can trace two generations on my mother’s side as my grandmother didn’t know much about her mother, however on her dad’s side I went four generations. I discover an interesting fact about my great grandpa. He has registered in the census of 1910 three families under three different names. Oh yes, he uses his real name on my grandma’s home, his middle name on a second family, and his nickname in the third family. Now I understand why I have all this grandmas and uncles when I was visiting with my mother her hometown.

On the other hands on my dad’s family, it has been difficult to find his mother’s side because he lost his mother at a very young age. My dad lost communication with his dad. After his mother passed away in childbirth, my dad who was two went to live with my grandpa’s cousins. They loved and treat my dad like their own child. I discovered a few months ago my dad’s mother had a sister. She was in prison for a while in the 1930’s and have a child during …show more content…

My family will never be in the history books; however, I’ve been discovering fascinating facts. The discovery of a child, which grandma -mom’s side-didn’t know about it or they didn’t want us to know. The discovery of their ages on when they’ve begun working and how young they’ve begun having children of their own. They did a little bit of school and starting to work when they still were children. Finally, I resolved the mystery behind my name, from whom I was named for. All my siblings have been named after a beloved family member. So, my dad pleasing his dad gave me the name of his mistress. I got stuck with the forbidden name and that’s why my family on dad’s side didn’t like

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