
My Apgar Test

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I was born at St. Anthony’s Hospital and raised in Denver, Colorado. I was a healthy baby at 5.25 pounds and 18.19 inches, with no medical problems. In the first minute, my Apgar score was a nine. The Apgar test is given to babies to test general conditions of pulse, grimace, activity, respiration, and appearance, when they are first born. One test is given in the first minute of birth and the second test is given after five minutes (Berk, 2009). This test does not predict how babies develop, grow up, or their personality (Berk, 2009). I scored twos in pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration, and I scored a one in my appearance. My pulse was more than 100 beats per minute, and I grimaced and coughed. I moved actively, and I had a strong …show more content…

Babies with a healthy diet have increased levels of brain growth, creating new connections between nerve cells, which could enhance my gene expression (Berk, 2009). When my mom breast-fed me, it allowed me to have that basic trust with her. This is one of Erikson’s stages, basic trust versus mistrust, and my mom’s quality of care in the first year allowed me to resolve this stage positively (Berk 2009). She would stay at home with me instead of going to work and always kept full eye contact with me. My mom told me she never picked up a single phone call when she was watching over me. With trust in my mom, I was able to venture and explore the environment, compared to mistrusting infants that withdraw from people and their surroundings (Berk, 2009). This allowed me to develop a secure attachment with my mom and use her as a secure base. I used my parents as a secure base and would actively seek contact with my parents when they returned to the room because they made me feel better and reassured (Berk, 2009). When I was 2 months old, I would always suck on my thumb because I liked it, which is an example of primary circular reactions. Primary circular reactions is the first stage in Piaget’s sensorimotor stage, and it occurs in the first four months when the child explores motor activities centered around …show more content…

However, once I got to know my teachers I felt more comfortable and never missed a day of school. I had perfect attendance from kindergarten to fifth grade. The way I was at school and at home differed. At home, I was a very talkative child, who loved playing house with my cousins and brothers, known as make-believe play. Make-believe play is when children pretend activities, such as dressing up like adults and making unrealistic food (Berk, 2009). I was very active and loved running, especially long distance. My father was the one who influenced my passion for running because he loved being active and he put me in physical activities, such as track. This was a passive genetic-environmental correlation because my dad who was a natural athlete enrolled me in track as third grader, which increased the possibilities of me becoming a good athlete based on environmental and genetic conditions (Berk, 2009). I won the Principal’s Physical Education award for two years in a row, and Gold Physical Education award when I was in third through fifth grade. This award was signed off by President George Bush, saying that I was excelling in all my physical exams of pushups, pull-ups, sit ups, climbing ropes, and running a mile under nine minutes. Also, I loved art. I got my art pieces sold at an art show and my school bought my artwork. I loved painting owls and taking a very long time to illustrate all the

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