
My Best Friend

Decent Essays

See when I met you I didn't understand what was it that drew me to you you instantly intrigued me with your charm and easy going way. Although that first encounter u mess up my nights by coming into the studio cause I didn't want teach beginners that day. But I forgive u..the moment you kiss me under the street light ess the day I knew I wanted to take one last gamble at love. Although we joke about you arriving late in my life. The moment was perfect and our story is one only people can dream about. I want to saying thank you. Not only have you given me a new outlook in life but you have help me mold into the person I am and will be become I love your immense capacity for love, love that challenge me to think more, explain more, and understand more. I enjoy sharing with you all I know and learning from your knowledge and experience. Being with you, talking to you, growing with you is all I want to do.. You are my best friend and I wouldn't want experience anything in this world without you. See I did many amazing thing before you. I lived and enjoyed but I always had a missing component to all those moments. You came into my life piecing the puzzle together effortlessly and as you entered, love walked in. It was a magical moment that I will treasure you for.. I contemplated if love like this existed would someone like you be real and as month then year pass by I could believe how bless I was becoming. You always told me you will show me the queen I am. And not a day

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