
My Cultural Identity Essay examples

Decent Essays

My culture identity, as I know it as is African American. My culture can be seen in food, literature, religion, language, the community, family structure, the individual, music, dance, art, and could be summed up as the symbolic level. Symbolic, because faith plays a major role in our daily lives through song, prayer, praise and worship. When I’m happy I rely on my faith, same as when I’m sad, for I know things will get better as they have before. There are different disciplines within the humanities, but there is one that I feel that has influenced my cultural identity the most…music. I say music because from the start music told my culture’s history; informed others about deeds or events that had taken place, also, music was and …show more content…

June 19th was shortened to the name Juneteenth. Those slaves started the celebration that we know and continue today as the Juneteenth Celebration which is now celebrated all across America, and has now become the African American addendum to our national Independence Day. (Juneteenth, n.d.) Now, this is what you call a celebration, each year is exciting more and more. I’ve met a variety of people, from various parts of Africa, and from many cities in the United States. I would sum it [Juneteenth Festival] up as a huge family reunion in the park. Realizing we have more in common than not, when I meet new people, I look at them as individuals. I take into consideration the concrete, the behavioral and the symbolic for they all have their place in a person being who they are. Yes, I wish others could see and gain understanding for other cultures through my eyes. For example, “it is possible to acquire a new culture by becoming disabled, moving to a new country or region, or by a change in our economic status. When we think of culture this broadly we realize we all belong to many cultures at once” (Community Tool Box, 2013). Who are the Lumbee? The largest, most prosperous, educated Indian tribe in North Carolina since the 1700s, whose name is from the Lumbee River is in Robeson County. The Lumbee people have been recognized

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