
My Day At Poplarville Middle School

Good Essays

“There comes a time, that defining moment in our lives, when we just have to make that like changing decision…” From the time that we are young we are faced with making decisions – some easy some more complicated. It may be a major decision, or it can be a little more compact. No matter what form, we all are exposed to making decisions. I have made many decisions, but the one that has taught me the most came into play when I was in 8th grade on September 28, 2012. I woke up as I did every morning for school. I slowly rolled out of bed, ate breakfast, fixed my hair –the usual morning routine, but this morning was different! I knew something that seldom people knew – a few close friends, family that is it. I kept thinking, “Today is my last day at Poplarville Middle School. The last day with my friends. What if I made the wrong decision? What if I make no friends at my new school? What if..? What if..? What if..?” All these “What if” thoughts always found a way on my mind. It was as if they hid in the corner until I was vulnerable enough to listen to them. I kept trying to push the thoughts back into their corner. No matter how hard I fought, they always won. They always fought back ten times harder, and I found them on my mind again, and again. I slowly walk off the bus absorbing everything for the last time. I get into the gym and find a seat on the bleachers around a few of my friends. They talk to me. I nod and smile, so they think I am listening

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