
My Definition Of Leadership: Coast Guard Career

Decent Essays

My definition of leadership isn’t one that came easily to me. All throughout my Coast Guard career, I’ve learned through boot camp, LAMS, CPOA, and other leadership training that the definition is “You, influencing others to reach a goal.” I’m not going to reinvent the wheel, but I am going to tweak it. My definition of leadership is “Empowering others to do everything they need to accomplish a given task.” I’ve had many leadership influences in my 21 years of service. I’ve had some excellent mentors in Chiefs and Warrant Officers, people who inspired me and gave me the abilities and confidence to do my work. I’ve also worked for some pretty terrible Chiefs, Officers, and civilians – people who were micromanagers, Chiefs who were completely …show more content…

I’ve said often enough that I’m never too old to learn new things (and coming to this class is a big part of that), but what else have I done to challenge myself? Not a whole lot. Going forward, I intend to seek out and attend more seminars in my field of interest. There are a lot of Cyber security seminars in the Washington DC area that I will look into. Another way to challenge myself is physically. I noted in my Desire2Learn introduction that I’ve never run a marathon. I have completed 2 half-marathons successfully, so it’s time to take that next step and go for a full …show more content…

It’s hard to pick out which value is the most important, but I’ll go with security. I don’t mean the kind where you lock down your house and have a safe full of guns and an advanced security system with killer dogs roaming around. I refer to the security in life I can afford for my family by having a steady job, a nice house, food in the refrigerator, and never having to worry about having the basic necessities for living. Happiness and humor go hand in hand, of course. I’m at a stage in my life where I just want to be less stressed. My family, especially my 2 year old daughter, brings me a lot of joy. It makes me happy to see my little girl running around carefree and healthy, and I am particularly happy that I was able to grant my full 9/11 GI Bill to her. My final important value is communication. I like to know what’s going on, and I like to ensure those around me (whether it’s my family or my coworkers) are informed about various situations as they come up. Having the open lines of communication ensures that I am also kept informed of new developments. I like to be

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