
My Description Of My Brother

Satisfactory Essays

Title My cousin taught me how to ride a bike when I was eight years old. I have always been pretty behind on learning life skills than everyone else in my age group and riding a bike with only two wheels was one of those skills that I lacked. My mother and father tried relentlessly to get me to ride without those two extra wheels on my pink bike (a color choice I detested, but the only option I had) but I refused. The idea of hitting the hard dirt if I were to fall was one that even in consideration, was too overwhelming and terrifying for me to attempt. It was not until my cousin, three and a half years older than me, promised that if I took the wheels off she wouldn’t let the bike go when I rode. My parent’s had told me that same thing, and at that point I already knew that parents lied, but she was not my mom or dad. She was older, and smart, and everything I wanted to be, so I believed her. She lied of course. You have to let go of the bike for anyone to learn how to ride it. It’s one of the first lessons a child can learn, you can either lose your balance and crash, or take control of the handles and continue to pedal. I did the latter only because I was scared more of the ground beneath the wheels than moving forward. It was only a few seconds moving, before my small legs went down and my heels dug into the ground stopping the bike in its path. I was livid. She had promised. I stormed back over to her and furiously began yelling,“Annie you promised! You told me you

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