
My Divorce-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

It had been two month since I decided to live with my dad after his divorce. Actually, I’d never want them to break apart. I loved both much. But, I didn’t know what on their mind. Parents sometimes were complicated just like childish. I inhaled deep breathe for many times and I really didn’t know for how many, and once again I saw my dad kept an eye one me. But I didn’t care, not really care. I hated this situation so much. I missed my mom.
My dad and I were still going to my brand school. I just had homeschooling before this because I didn’t really like the crowded and noisy places, not except for school, it was horrible for me.
“So, how is your day?” asked my dad breaking the ice.
“Not really fine”, answered me flatly and boring.
“Are nervous now?” he asked curiously.
“Just a little.”
“Do not worry, you’ll get many friends and experiences there,” he said …show more content…

Avril Lavigne’s songs always made me feel comfort and safe. Once again, I saw my dad looking at me. And once again I really didn’t care.
Now here I am, at the headmaster room. I waited outside the room, and it was my chance to explore many things here. The building was old enough but looked so strong and cool. I saw no other students, may be they were on their class because it was 8 a.m. I didn’t wonder actually. Headmaster’s room was on the second floor so I could see the students playing basket ball on the fields. The girls just watched the boys who showed their skills, always like that. I just snorted. After that, I heard the burst door opened. I almost jumped because of shocked. My dad gave me a code to follow him entering the room.
“So, Miss Dandelion Moore, you can choose the class whatever you want. I’ve read your data here. I think you have no problem about it.” The headmaster started to speak. I just gave him smile and looked to my father to ask for

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