
My Dream In My Life

Decent Essays

I was confused as to what would happen to me after High School. I knew that I did not want to go down the same road that my parents went down, and my need to leave Milwaukee was very prominent. I did not want to struggle to find jobs or have multiple minimum wage jobs- just to barely stay afloat. I had the dream to not only make a difference in my life but in others. I dreamed of not only helping others but to support and nurture when they did not have the strength to do so themselves. I wanted to be a nurse. I want to be a nurse. And in order to accomplish that dream, I had to college and earn a degree.
As I listened to the podcast, 3 Miles, I started to recognize the difference yet similarities within my personal story and the ones discussed in the podcast. I have always gone to predominantly white public schools, that maybe had 3-4 African Americans in each grade. I did not live the same district as my fellow classmates nor did I look or dress like them. I was a young African American girl that did not share their silky hair, their skin tone, or their zip code. There were times that I felt as if I did not belong and the students looked at me differently because so. I was only able to go to these schools given by a program called Chapter 220. The Chapter 220 program goal was to integrate minorities into “nonminority” districts. Though, I did make friends and had some encouragement from my teachers, being one of few African- Americans, made me feel as if I did not belong.

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