
My Dream Of Becoming A Doctor

Decent Essays

I know that it sounds cliche, but for as long as I can remember, I have dreamed of becoming a doctor. Luckily for me, “Employment of physicians and surgeons is projected to grow 14 percent from 2014 to 2024, much faster than the average for all occupations” (Bureau of Labor Statistics). After graduating from high school next May, I plan to major in Engineering, and then go on to Medical School in order to become a Neurosurgeon. After taking both the Gardner's Intelligence test and Myers-Briggs personality inventory, I discovered new things about myself that I never knew before, and I believe that this new knowledge will help me excel in my dream of becoming a doctor. My highest score on the Gardner’s Intelligence test came in the Logical/Mathematical category. This score makes perfect sense for me because I enjoy math and science classes. Additionally, I use logic and math almost everyday because of my participation on Southview’s Science Olympiad team. In order to achieve my degree in engineering and then medical school, I will go though countless math and science classes. These classes take a tremendous amount of work and dedication, and I believe that my high logical/mathematical score prepares me well for the challenge. My next highest score came in the Intrapersonal category. While this may seem counterintuitive for a doctor, a profession in which one work with patients and coworkers, I believe that this can also help me. I will never try to belabor my patients but

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