
My Dream To Help And Care For Animals

Decent Essays

My dream to become a vet was not born from a wish to help and care for animals. It was merely a superficial fascination. But as time passed, this was fueled by the lack of care and compassion for animals all around me. Although different from humans in more ways than one, animals were still living, breathing things – a similarity that should have negated all differences. It pained me to see how they were cared for with less love than humans. This eventually became the reason I wanted to be a vet: to provide them the care, love and attention that they deserved even if hardly anyone else was going to do it. I first worked with animals when I volunteered at the local SPCA where I learnt to provide basic care to animals such as dogs and rabbits. …show more content…

While I was amazed at the skill and precision with which the vets dealt with the animals, what left a deeper impression on me was how they treated them. It did not matter whether it was a dog or cat, ugly or pretty, docile or fierce. All of them were treated with the same amount of love and devotion to their health. Seeing this during my month-long stints in both places strengthened my wish to achieve my dream so that I could one day do the same for these animals. Despite the hard life it brings with its long working hours, it is something I can see myself doing long-term. As I am a science student at heart, it was no wonder that I chose this career path. I love Biology and Chemistry, both of which I did during my IGCSE and now my A-Levels. It intrigues me to see how both sciences can be applied so readily to us and the world around us. Both are so intertwined in how they form the basis of life. Naturally inquisitive in how I always had to know what, why and how, nothing would be greater than to further delve into the world of science and widen my

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