
My Educational Journey

Decent Essays

I began my educational journey at National Louis University, more than 19 years ago. It has always been a passion of mine to complete my bachelor’s degree. However, as my career began to grow rapidly, I put aside completing my degree and focused on other things. I even tried convincing myself that this was something I did not need because I had reached the very top of my field and was satisfied, both personally and professionally. I would soon learn this was not true. Gnawing at me was the fact that I was less than a few hours away from completing my degree, how could I let that go; I could not. In January 2017, I met with an advisor and was informed that due to the length of time I needed more than a few hours; I presented a plan to my advisor in which I outlined my intentions, including my plans to complete my degree by the end of August, taking two or more classes at one time if necessary. Working full time and going to school, while taking more than one class and in some instances, I would experience the overlapping of classes as I transitioned from one class to the next. In the end, I persevered and completed my degree in August as I planned. In anticipation of completing my degree, I began to ponder the completion of my Masters of Science in Human Resources Management and Development, you see I now have the wind beneath my wings and am more determined than ever to accomplish this task.

The Master’s degree will provide for me the satisfaction of doing

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