
My English Learning Language

Satisfactory Essays

Before starting school, I could not write or speak English at all. Because of the language barriers, I have a hard time learning English. My parents and older siblings would teach me the basics of having to know my numbers, ABCs, and by making me memorizing saying simple sentences and questions. English is everyone in my family's second language and because I did not grow up learning how to speak, read, and write in English it was difficult as I started school. Kindergartner year was one of the toughest time for me because I do not know to communicate with the staffs and teachers, and I also could not understand what they were asking me to do so I always end up crying in frustration. I was in a class called ELL (English Learning Language) to learn how to read, write, and speak English with some other students which later I became friends with them. During kindergartner, I met my best friend who was Hmong and she also knows English, she often helped translate what the teacher was saying to me and explaining to me words I do not know. My kindergartner teacher often made me go up in front of the class to read what is on the board. Every time I was in front I felt like a bird in a cage because everyone was so focused on me and wanted me to talk. During the end of the school year, I became more comfortable it writing, reading, and speaking that I was able to communicate with people without being scared. Elementary years were a lot easier for me to write, read, and communicate

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