
My Experience About The ELI Intercultural Experience

Decent Essays

My home town is Baltimore, Maryland. I am 20 years old and a Junior. My major is International studies with a minor in french. My goal is to go to law school after undergrad and then from there to either practice international or criminal law. When I came to college, I always knew I wanted to be a lawyer, however, I was unsure of the type of law or major that was best suited for me. I realized that due to parts of my family living in Europe, that International studies may be a good major for me. I am taking this class in order to be able to communicate better with those of other cultures and to become more open minded. I expect this class to be filled with group activities and communication. I expect that the ELI intercultural experience will definitely be different from most of my classes, at first it will probably be a little challenging but I expect that it will get easier to interact and have fun in the second or third class. I hope to gain a better knowledge about other cultures and to acquire some better communication skills.

2. The concerns I have about the ELI Intercultural Experience are that I will be nervous to talk to people and get to know them. Typically, when I am around people I do not know very well I am quiet and a little shy because most of the time I am unsure what to say or the right questions to ask. Once I warm up and feel confident in the environment, I am very friendly and talkative. My internal challenges may be a little hard to over come,

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