
My Experience At Rockingham County High School

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Who are my students? Throughout this study and this semester, I have had the amazing opportunity to spend my time at Rockingham County High School. This school, as the name may suggest, is located in Rockingham County within the city of Reidsville, NC. There are an average of 1,160 students who are attending this school year. After a school demographics report for the year was released it was estimated that 82% of the school was primarily White/Caucasian, 13% African-American, and 5% of students fall into the category of other. This other category includes other ethnicities such as: Hispanic/Latino, Pacific Islander, and Etc. For this study, out of the 3 preps I taught, I focused on my 90 minute CP (College Prep.) American History II …show more content…

As I have said before I want to insure that all the students will participate by encouraging class discussion. I started by picking a unit that I knew personally I could discuss a lot about and be very passionate about. I also wanted to make sure I had time to get to know many of my students before I implemented the unit plan because I may need to change activities based of the individual needs of my students. I personally always write out my lessons on paper first so that way I can cross out and draw arrows and physically move things around. I have about 7 pages’ worth of notes and different ordered lesson days. I finally settled for the current order. I felt that it was important to try and stick with the order that America experienced World War 2. Which was hard because I try to see a history from a worldview because I do not want my personal knowledge to be biased. So I personally had to re-order my lesson a lot in order to meet an adequate standard for American History 2. I did, however, start at a more worldview. This was because it was difficult to discuss the American points of view of World War 2 without the background of what was happening in Europe. So I spend the whole first day discussing Dictatorship and who the three main dictators were during World War 2. At the end of that day’s unit I ask students if Dictators are still a current occurrence in the world.

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