
My Experience In High School Experience

Decent Essays

Of all the choices that the California State University of Fresno offered, I decided to enroll myself in English 10. My decision was based on my high school experience. I always challenged myself to take rigorous and challenging courses. In high school, whether it was a gate, honors, or AP courses, I always took up the challenge and gave it all my best. I had excelled in my English course in high school, however, I do understand that high school writing will massively differ from college writing. In addition, my decision was also based upon my recent participation in the English 10 course over the summer offered by the HCOP program for incoming freshmen experience.
I understand that this course will focus on developing research papers. During my junior year in high school, I had the opportunity to participate in the “UCSF Summer 2016 Research and Internship Program”, offered by the UCSF Doctors Academy program, where I worked on writing a research paper on a topic of my choice relating to medicine. Before starting my research I referred to a lot of scientific reports and journals that were related to my topic, in order to gain more knowledge about my topic. The Insider’s Guide to Discipline states that “Academic writers in a variety of disciplines engage in both primary and secondary research and find that they inform each other” ( Miller-Cochran, 89). The Insider’s Guide is stating that in order to have a good research paper the use of either a primary or secondary

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