
My High School Experience

Decent Essays

High school is an educational and eye-opening place for adolescents and young adults, and is ultimately the last checkpoint some people have before they transition into the adult world. After high school, students are often expected to completely fend for themselves. The transition for many students is complicated and confusing. For this reason, one series of high school experiences I have had that stick out clearly in my mind as a step away from my childish behaviors to my more adult-like ones are my interactions with my tenth grade history teacher, Mr. Hadaway. Mr. Hadaway was one of my greatest teachers, and without his inspiration and motivation, I probably would not have achieved much of what I have managed to accomplish today.
Mr. …show more content…

This approach was my preferred method of coasting through my days as it provided me with the largest amount of free-time and allowed me to not expend much effort to finish my assignments. I never throughout all my years of schooling had to do more or “go above and beyond,” as my dad says. And as I started becoming more and more lazy in my schoolings, I realized that my minimal ways were working out for me all too well. Soon after, with no one to tell me “Alex, no!” I quickly began to adopt my lackadaisical approach as my new strategy towards my schooling. However, my views towards my school work and more importantly, my life, was about to change. This change was due directly to my understanding of whenever I had to deal with Mr. Hadaway’s assignments, it did not necessarily matter what I wrote or drew as much as it mattered how much effort I expended in creating and completing my assignment. So predictably, whenever I received my grades back from his class, I was constantly making exceptionally low ranks. My predicament kept becoming worse and worse in his class due to my refusal to change my ways. As I struggled to keep my head afloat amidst the waves of his homework, I continued to allow myself to become much lazier, and I even started to not bother to turn in any homework. My situation took a sharp U-turn, however, when after class one day near the end of the

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