
My Experience In My Life

Decent Essays

Life is full of discomfort. Each individual adapts to these challenges differently, growing and evolving into beautifully unique and complex human beings all across the world. How we deal with this discomfort, with the fears and challenged presented in life, shapes who we will be. When I was born, I suffered from both a heart murmur and talipes equinovarus, or clubfoot, a birth defect that turned my feet in on themselves. The early years of my life were spent in and out of surgeries, a time I know was taxing for both my parents, but for me my memories are full of idyllic rainy days in coffee shops as I grew up on Haight street in San Francisco. By the time my sister was born, three years after me, I could do (in my opinion) just about anything a normal kid could, and when we moved to Marin a year later I was proud of everything that made me who I was - I loved to draw, to collect stones and feathers, to garden and save worms and play with our dog. It wasn’t that life had been difficult and was getting better - for me, it had always been good. For me, I was better and stronger and more unique for what I had been through. The summer before my fourth grade year, my parents divorced. I remember the day they sat us down in warm summer sun and told us they had decided to take a break, remember watching golden dust motes float through the loaded silence. Although at first incomprehensible, as I grew it became painfully apparent to me why they had separated, and less and less clear

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