
My Experience In My Life

Satisfactory Essays

I have experienced a great deal in the past 16 years of my life, mainly due to my parent’s commitment to raise me through experience and new cultures (thank you guys). Of course, a lot of adventures comes with learning to lean into discomfort and struggle. Some of what’s in here isn’t going to be peachy, so I ask you keep it confidential. My parents and I share pretty openly so I can assure you they know of my road bumps. From the time I was born, I have been a very adventurous soul. My first memory involves near death from a dog bite to the forehead because I wanted to see what would happen if I took a little bit of his food, and yes, that made me look like franken-baby for a little while when I was two and three. Back then, both of my parents were working full-time jobs, so nanny Joan was my brother and I’s main caregiver. Joan has always been a very straightforward follow-the-rules-and-you’ll-be-praised type of lady. She taught me how to tie my shoes when I was about four, and gave my brother “the talk” when he was seven. The only problem was that I wasn’t really a follow the rules kind of kid. While she taught my brother important organization skills, I would be over in my room, stuffing little nic-nacs into separate purses. That’s the first time I can remember being very different from my serious and organized brother. Even though we grew up in the same environment, I have always been free spirited; have a feeling that’s why the Montessori schooling system has been

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