Every day people use writing to express certain ideas and thoughts we may have and by doing so it shapes the lives people lead by so much. The constant use of writing has allowed people to share and have unique experiences that have shaped who they are as writers. My own personal experiences with reading and writing have allowed me to improve my writing style. The mistakes I have made have only made me a better writer because I was able to learn about the mistakes I had made and make sure that they never happen again. The stories I am about to tell you may also help you improve on your writing style and become a better writer. One of my first really strong experiences with writing happened during my freshman year of high school. The paper I had to write needed to discuss the topic I had chosen to write about and be five pages or longer. I had all the information I needed to write the paper and had a little under a months’ time to write it. I remember waking up every weekend with nothing to do and thinking to myself “today is the day where I start to write my paper.” I took up the entire month just procrastinating about actually doing the paper that I ended up writing the paper the night before. That paper that had started out as something simple and easy to write became torture for me as I found out that there was so much more to the paper then what I had thought. I had started to write the paper at about nine that night and it would take me hours to complete. I remember
Overall, I feel that both my quality of writing and writing process have improved over the course of the semester. This was important because in my first writing analysis statement at the beginning of the year, the two main things that I wanted to improve on were my quality and process. Throughout the semester, I learned to rely less on teacher comments and revisions and instead improve on my self-revision process, which was almost non-existent before I came to college.
Writing have a lot of advantages that if the writer improved his writing these advantages will increase. Firstly, it is required in the daily life in a very wide range. For example, you need to write e-mails to your professors, applying for a job, writing a research and a lot of other stuff that needs to be tangible. Secondly, writing helps the writer to plan his goals perfectly. According to a research, most people who succeeded in
All throughout my years of schooling, I’ve had just about, one paper that was about one page long, due every year. My papers never had to be more than one page in length. Therefore, I did not have to do much writing or do many essays. Surely not enough to remember any of the assignments. Writing has never been something I enjoyed doing, so I never bothered to many any memories of my writing experiences. I did not think it was necessary to remember any of them since I only had to do them to get a grade. The only writing experience I remember was the first assignment I had in this English 100 class about a writing experience. All week long, I sat there thinking about what to write about, but nothing came to mind as a topic. Then, one thing came to mind, but it was so very vague, I could not write the length that was needed for the assignment. I could only think of a few sentences to write for it. After sitting for a few moments longer, I thought, how about I write about how difficult it was for me to write this essay before it was due.
My earliest experience with writing was my learning period that formed not only my style of writing but how I studied and the ability to apply words and concepts into a structured format. The process at first was difficult because it was my first time being exposed to structured writing which caused me to put it off until the last minute or lose interest in the topic I was writing about. The rowdy classroom was eager to release near the end of the day, but we knew we had to face one of the more uninteresting subjects of the day: middle school English.The teacher thoroughly explained our assignment which made each one of us cringe. The class finally initiated work mode and I was clueless. I would start to make progress but would be constantly
My relationship with writing could have culminated into three words; fear, quality, and of course no relationship is complete without excitement. Like any new relationship, emotions can determine the success or demise of the relationship. These emotions all work to the betterment of the writer and the writing relationship, each emotion feeding ever so slightly off one another. Exploring these writing relations reveal the truth where my writing relationship is concerned.
When writing a paper it can be very difficult unless you break it up into sections. When I had to write my first paper I felt like a man on a desert island all alone without a clue on how to do anything. But with the help of a few teachers they taught me how to survive on the island of writing papers. What the teachers taught me was that just like everything in life it needs to be taken in steps. The steps they taught me still apply to the papers I write to this day.
As a writer, I find myself getting lost. Typically, when I go to start writing I hit a brick wall. It’s as if all my thoughts suddenly escape my mind and I draw a blank. It takes me forever to conjure up some form of a thesis and then takes even longer to figure out what I should write to support it in a way that makes sense. Then, attempting to find a way to organize my ideas and put them together in cohesive paragraphs seems like an impossible task in the moment. It is not uncommon for me to get flustered and just throw something down on the paper because I get anxious seeing how much work is left to do. If I end up going back to read it over prior to submission,
Teachers, parents, and friends often tell students exactly what the writing process should entail and how long it should take. However, the older I get, the more I realize that the writing process varies not only from person to person, but also from one writing project to the next. Throughout my years of life, I have written countless papers, ranging from a persuasive speech to an extensive research paper, and each project requires an altered version of my personal writing process. While each individual has his own writing process, there can be many similarities between different writing processes. Finding one’s individual writing process takes trial, error, and repetition. When an individual finally uncovers his unique writing process, better thought, work, and writing is produced.
Writing assignments are absolutely the worst, it is my least favorite thing ever. I am not good at writing, especially on the spot. As soon as I am required to write a paragraph, short story, essay, anything that is not a memo or email, every part me just starts to quiver. Before I can start writing, thoughts of what to write roll around in my head like scatter marbles, trying to come up with what to write. A process that can take anywhere an hour to a day. This shortens if I am even a short story first. Reading a story first release my imagination making my direction much clearer. Once I have a clear vision of what I am going to write, my fingers cannot keep up with the words flying through my head. Traditionally, the textbook teaches to
It is essential to understand that classes taken in grade school do not give students a full understanding of each subject. With the topic of writing, there will always be a new lesson to learn, an aspect to improve, or a differing way to explain. Author Craig Vetter states in Bonehead Writing, “This is your enemy: a perfectly empty sheet of paper. Nothing will ever happen here except what you make happen.” Each story, essay, or response comes from a writer’s experiences. With each attempt at a new piece comes an underlying story of emotions the writer is facing. Each person’s writing is unique and the ideas people have are related to their past experiences and what they believe to be familiar with when deciding which writing style to use. As a high school student, I have learned many things about writing that helped me become the improved writer I am today, but the most essential advice I have received is practice makes perfect. Although there is no actual perfect way of writing, I have discovered that each essay I write, my writing improves. It is easier to spot mistakes, find areas to improve, and ponder elevated word choice to use.
While writing might seem like a simple task, it can be a daunting task for a lot of people. Sometimes it can be hard to express the ideas in your mind in the words of a paper. This results in a disconnect with what a writer may actually think. A great writer is one that can transform his thoughts into words perfectly. This is a craft that takes many years to perfect, which is why writing is troublesome for a lot of us. Many students also have had bad experiences with writing. Maybe they had a teacher that didn’t try to support them and their writing. They might not have ever gotten the help they needed and may feel that they are in a hole where their writing can’t get better. At this point, they just accept that their writing will never get better.
Bettering your skills of writing is extremely important because writing can help you with several different aspects throughout your life. Being a good writer can help you solve problems, learn, and triumph in school and future jobs. So how do you improve your writing? Firstly start with your mental state. You have to be willing to learn and give yourself the proper amount of time and knowledge in order to do well. Secondly, use the resources around you such as your syllabus, tutors offered through your school, and online
The inevitable had happened; I, as a small child, was demanded to read. A little antisocial human being launched into a world of, at first, difficult words and lengthy phrases. While words and literacy were forced into my mind, I had reluctantly begun the adventure to enjoy and accept the art of literature. Later however, my hopes and dreams were crushed to pieces by a gruesome teacher with an interesting form of a so called “grading policy.”
The earliest memory of my writing is in 4th grade we had to do the weekend news every Monday and it was due at the end of the day. I first would write down bullet points of what I did, for example, if I celebrated a birthday with someone or hanged out with my friends then we had to write it by hand on notebook paper and it had to be at least a page long. I was always the quickest because of what I did.
As a reader and writer I always faced given assignments with the intent of doing exceptional jobs and take a sense of pride in my work to complete my tasks. As a reader, I will bore myself through out an entire book and realize I didn 't understand a single thing. Although as a writer, I can go on for so long losing myself on a topic because it feels more interactive. Reflecting on my experiences as a reader and writer have been very bold, I never really found a joy or an interest to become the exceptional student who stands out amongst others because, I always felt ok with myself and my results with the way I did things.