
My Experience That I Have Spent From Anthropology Course

Decent Essays

The time that I have spent in this anthropology course brought many concepts to my attention. Life is full of so many aspects but we always seem to pay attention to the ones that interest us the most. This course made me realize that I do not have to like something to have knowledge about its existence and principles.
It is easy in life to lose contact with certain concepts because there are so many. Culture for instance, is one of those concepts because it is such a vast topic. As we know, each individual is born and raised in a culture that they reflect most of the time throughout their lifespan. For example, I was born in the very strict Haitian culture that my parents taught me to appreciate. According to me, my culture requires for someone to be responsible by believing and firmly practicing Catholicism, by respecting and applying the rules of how someone should behave in society and to be educated. These beliefs are the highlighted points that my parents passed on to me according to their culture. However, this could be very different to someone else in the same Haitian community. What I am try to point out is that every culture and even in the same culture there are many different aspects that someone could or could not believe in and adopt. We could spend hours, days and years talking about culture but one thing is certain, we will all never agree to the same aspects, norms and principles of life. Each culture sees certain aspects of the world through different

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