
My Family Relationship

Decent Essays

I have a very close relationship with my parents. My mother’s name is Becky she has always been very caring and she has stuck up for me ever since I was little and unable to do it myself. My Father’s name is Lonnie he has taught me how to be strong and has shown me how to do different activities like how to build stuff and fix cars. I tell my parents pretty much everything we have a very trusting relationship I never had a curfew and I was able to go where ever I wanted whenever I wanted as long as I let them know where I was going to be.
My sister Mahayla and I have a very unique relationship she is like my best friend. We are very close and spend such a large amount of time together that every once in awhile we must have some time apart because we have spent too much time together.
My family expects me to be the best person I can be and to do everything with my fullest potential so that I can always be proud of what I have accomplished. I can always depend on my family to be there when I need them and be supportive of what I do.
Along with my immediate family my relationship with my extended family is also very close, especially on my mother's side. My grandparents are very caring and supportive of me and always come to all of my events. My grandmother taught me how to sew when I was younger and my grandfather has shown me that no matter how old you get you can always be fun and crazy. My mother's sister Rachel is like a second mother to me and and my cousin Tessa is like

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