
My Favorite Sermon

Decent Essays

It is fair enough to say that I got an early Christmas present this year as my favorite preacher, Tim Delina, came to church to minister this past Sunday. I found it funny because just this past week, I was asking myself where he has been. I've listened to so many preachers preach, and no one comes close to Pastor Tim in the way he explains his messages. His sermons, inspired by God, is able to change the hardened of hearts. Never have I seen a preacher use humor to connect with his audience as Pastor Tim does. Look up his sermons on YouTube, you won't be disappointed. I'll attach my favorite sermon of his (JONAH HAS TOO MANY CHAPTERS) at the end of this post. I blogged about this sermon some weeks back, but it's worth listening to. When God wants to speak to you, He uses different means to do so. In my case, He used Tim Delina to minister to me. Two weeks ago, an elder at church ministered on tithing, but I didn't feel the sermon was meant for me. Pastor Tim then came last week and ministered on that same subject...again! I believe God said to Himself "Joseph if you didn't think that last sermon was meant for you, maybe if I send you your favorite preacher, you'll then believe it is for you." As he spoke on this topic, I began to think about my level of tithing or the lack of it. (I'll post a link to Pastor Tim's sermon on tithing at the end of this post) For some of us, we think we are entitled to everything we own, but we need to stop and ask ourselves who gives us the

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