
My First Day Of High School

Decent Essays

The week leading up the first day of high school I was really excited. I could not wait to see all my old friends and the ones I had made in the previous school year. I could not wait to get back into a daily routine. On the night prior to the first day I got a great nights rest. I was walking in confident that it was going to be a great day and a great overall year. I got to meet all my teachers and they all seem amazing. I can already tell that it is going to be a great year. I can already tell high school is going surpass middle school and elementary school by far. The amount of class options seem unending I can not wait to try psychology next year. I wish there was more room in my schedule so I could take more classes, or having an optional zero or eighth period so I could take extra classes. I know that I am on the path for success and it is my peers, teachers, and the Owen J. Roberts school district curriculum that helped is helping me walk down that path.
My first period class is really interesting. I have always been interested in the past so it is cool to learn about the medieval times in Europe. The class is really easy and straightforward. I could not have asked for a better first period class, the subject comes naturally for me so it does not require much brain power on my part. I can zone out and it will not impact me much in the future. My teacher is being ranked with pretty unreasonable expectations because I had the best middle school social studies

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