
My First Semester Of My College Career

Decent Essays

As the first semester of my college career comes to a close, I cannot think of a more beneficial class for me to have taken than this university seminar. I learned a lot about a variety of different relationships and the class definitely put a new perspective on how I saw romantic, familial, and platonic relationships. I am and always will be experiencing these relationships all throughout my life, and learning more about them now will help me understand how to approach them and keep the relationship strong and healthy in the future.
I can honestly say I consider myself incredibly blessed with the family and friends I have. I am surrounded by loving relationships so knowing what that looks like is fairly easy for me. One specific example of a loving friendship that I have seen is when I had to undergo a surgery in high school and several of my friends came to see me afterwards. Some of them brought stuffed animals, some brought snacks, and others didn’t bring anything but a kind smile. The fact that they loved me enough to take time out of their day to come visit me meant the world and I will always appreciate them for that. As far as a loving family relationship goes, the one that sticks out the most to me is whenever anyone helps my grandma. She is elderly and cannot get around her house that well. My mom, aunts and uncles, and all of the cousins always do anything they can to help her, whether that is keeping her company in the evenings or driving her to get her hair

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