
My Goals And Personal Goals

Decent Essays

· Did you accomplish your personal goals?
Yes, I did. My personal goals align with our group project objectives, which include fulfilling the University of Mary Benedictine values, gaining a better understanding of the effect of socioeconomic has on children’s development, and attaining a better perception of the barrier that under-privileged children face in the acquirement of basic necessities. I provided the service to both the children and adults (food pantry) with my classmates, during which I implemented the Benedictine values and APTA core values. Throughout the interacting with different children, I noticed that how important the family and social support are to early childhood development. There was one single father who brought his son and daughter (both around 3-5 y.o) who could not even say a word at the beginning. After we taught them the games and played with them, they started to talk. I also learned some American games after this project, such as the “cat pull”, water balloon, capture the flag, etc, which will be helpful for me to treat pediatric patients in the future.
· How well did the team collaborate? What was your role in helping or hindering the team dynamics? Did the team accomplish its goals? Why or why not?
Everybody in our team did a great job and we cooperated very well throughout the past four weeks. I was very flexible in regards to the tasks in our project and I offered help with playing outside, inside, preparing ice cream, hot dog, food

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