
My Hero's Journey

Decent Essays

Good morning brother and sister, I pray all is well with each of you as we continue this series on the children of Israel... we hope if the spirit allows us to end this series this week... When God give you instruction to do something, don’t be greedy, don’t ask tons of questions, and most of all don’t be too lazy and don’t do it...
Last night, I was lying in bed and it was after 11 pm and the Lord told me through my spirit to get up and cook Kim lunch for the next two days...and I was like Lord its late, and I can get up early in the morning to do it, but the Lord told me again in a strong voice to “Get Up” for I will not go to sleep until I cook... so I got my lazy butt up and cook Kim some shrimp alfredo with carrots and peas...and it took …show more content…

God did not command the creation of a tribal manna gathering and distribution center. Every household had to provide for itself, and a rich family could not hire a poor family to do their work for them... today is my younger son Vincent birthday, he is 11 years old today, but I only have one responsibility for both of my son’s and that is to get them into a church house...getting them into heaven will be up to each of them once they reach manhood... An omer could be as much as a gallon, especially in the later history of Israel. But at this early point in Israel's history it may have meant only a cupful. It is an imprecise measure... God told each person to get a cup of manna...if you had five peoples in the household you got five …show more content…

Perhaps this came as somewhat of a surprise to the people of Israel, because they felt they had to report it to Moses... This was the first time God spoke to Israel about the Sabbath. God essentially forced them to honor the Sabbath by not providing any bread from heaven on the Sabbath day...But despite what God said, some went looking for bread from heaven when He said there would be none. Some will only learn by personal experience. God's word was true and they found none. This was a powerful lesson, teaching Israel to trust what God said before they had proven it true in experience. People today still look for life and fulfillment in places God has said there would be none... Oh brother and sister, I’m sorry to tell you there no fulfillment in alcohol or drug... oh there no fulfillment in having sex with others fulfillment at the casino or at the junk house or clubs...oh the only fulfillment you’re going to find brother and sister is with Jesus...Jesus is your only find Him in the morning.... you find Him at find when you can’t sleep...when your heart heavy burden... Jesus brother and sister is your only

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