
Personal Narrative: My First Time In High School

Decent Essays

Once again, I sat on the classroom floor, frantically digging through binders, crumpled papers spilling out from my dirty backpack. Tears welled in my eyes as Mrs. Matthews peered over her desk. The homework she gave me, forgotten yet again; even better, there it sat on the kitchen table at home, the paper smudged from sincere effort. Every day of middle school provided a struggle. Without the ability to understand and complete the work provided, School left me disheartened, and made me feel as if my efforts were meaningless.

High school lies on the horizon, and with it, a chance to start over and work to improve. High school presented a huge opportunity and a huge fear. Freshman year started off on a high note. There were new teachers who …show more content…

Summer rolled around and another year of feeling unaccomplished came along with it. It was the first of August. Mom strolled out to meet me sitting on the porch, two letters in hand.
“One from the school, and one from the market,” she said.
The moment school slipped from her mouth, my stomach dropped. Hesitantly, I grabbed the letters. “CTE” was printed on the front. A nervous smile crept across my face. My hands shredded open the letters. Out fell an acceptance to CTE for Computer Animation and Web Design I. Better yet, in the other envelope resided a letter from the manager, asking my next availability. It was a job offer.. Now I’d learn in a new school where I could show my creativity and had a new job where I could prove myself responsible.

November rolled around, the first report card of the year arrived. Late at night a nipping chill slipped past the automatic door. Only employees remained in the store, so I dove in my bag, hands ripping out snacks to find the envelope. The first quarter had ended which means report cards were out. The letter tore between my fingers before there was a chance to read the cover. An A- in CAWD, A in history, A in math and an A in English. Tears flooded my eyes. My grades remained at the forefront of my mind for the entire year, but seeing them on paper; that created a whole different

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