
My Importance Of Free Time In The Classroom

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When the children first arrive, all the preschoolers gather in the hallway before going to their classroom. After entering the classroom, they all sit on the alphabet rug in the front of the classroom and take their folders and lunch boxes out of their book bags. Then they proceed back to the hallway to put out book bags and coats in their lockers and use the restroom. After they are finished washing their hands, back in the classroom they find a seat for breakfast time. When everyone is finished they throw their trash away and have 30 minutes of free time to play, before its time to go outside. When we first got outside I did my writing lesson with them, having them write the first letter of their names on the sidewalk with chalk. It took about 10-15 minutes to do the lesson and after that they had 40 minutes to play on the playground. We went out earlier than normal because people where coming in to do an assessment on a little girl. When we got back inside they went to the restroom and then got a drink from the water fountain. We got back to the classroom and they had 15 minutes of free time, before we had circle time, and I did my reading lesson. We did the letter, number, and color of the week, as well as the weather and calendar. Then we did the pledge of allegiance and following then I did my lesson on the “One Duck Stuck” book. We did the alphabet song using a video on the smart board, but the children just sat on the rug they didn’t do any of the movements. During

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