
My Improvement In My Writing

Decent Essays

I’ve been writing essays and papers for at least six years with several of the years writing an average of an essay weekly. My writing is definitely not perfect. It leaves numerous improvements to be desired, but the practice I’ve had has left me with several characteristics that I greatly appreciate about my writing. Likewise, while taking Writing 122 this term, there are various improvements that I desire to make in my writing as we dive into the finer aspects of persuasive writing and argumentation. Writing is an incredible skill and there are parts of it that I feel I do well in. One part of writing I feel I have accomplished is the organization, particularly in shorter papers. Excellent organization requires an introduction, body, and conclusion, all of which I strive to include in all of my writing. As well being organized in my writing, my punctuation is generally accurate and I seek to always include an excellent first sentence that grabs at the reader’s attention. I love using interesting words and phrases to breathe life into my message. Like colorful threads, when woven together with mastery, each word contributes to the final masterpiece. …show more content…

The first area I would like to improve is in my argumentation and persuasive writing ability. Novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton once wisely stated, “The pen is mightier than the sword”, emphasizing the power in carefully placed words and effective writing. To be able to clearly lay out a case and opinion before the reader, argue it persuasively and reinforce it with research and evidence is a skill I hope to sharpen. I desire to improve the communication of my thought and produce a beautiful flow in my writing that doesn’t leave the reader tripping through the potholes on his way to the grand

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