
My Journey In My Life

Decent Essays

Emerging from an environment full of toxicity and hostility, most individuals find it extremely difficult to grasp how much I have endured throughout my life, but still manage to blossom virtually unscathed both mentally and physically. Although I do not skate through life as some others do, I know I cannot manage on my own. My life this past year would notably emit a constant negative outlook on my world today without the aid of my significant other, Dillan. From the hardships I have endured, I am constantly laboring to overcome the past and reflecting on the impact of my significant other, Dillan, especially when it comes to battling with myself about who I am and what my future might hold. From the outside, my household appears to present a single mother struggling to raise her two children without the aid of a father figure. My mother provides a permanent residence, copious amounts of food, and sustains all the necessities needed to survive. Although, beneath the evident successes, a considerable amount of frustrations presents themselves. My mother’s small frame and short stature deceive her underlying personality. Her darkened blue eyes pierce through you with a constant angry tone. Wrinkles form on her forehead from her ever-present negative expression; she wears anger on her face like an inescapable mask. Often, her anger engulfs her mind; she lunges at her prey at their first sign of weakness as a lion when they hunt. From those who know my mother on a personal

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