Bianca Hammaker
Professor Pelot
ENC 1101 - MW
September 13, 2015
Important Journey In My Life
I was a cute kid. A really, really cute kid, up until 1st grade. Then that’s when I started to become the chubby cute kid. I loved junk food and would sneak into the kitchen late at night and find the unhealthiest food my mom had hiding in the kitchen then I would eat it all in one sitting, whether it was a box of chocolate granola bars, a bag of Lay 's Potato Chips, or some delicious leftovers, I would proudly devour them.
Food - more specifically, junk food - was a precious item to me, like it was a resource that could run out at any given time and it was not like I was ever deprived. My mother was (and still is) a fantastic cook. She has always made a ton of flavorful, healthy, homemade meals, but I never appreciated them. She would basically do up an entire buffet when I got home of all my favorites – cheesy macaroni, spaghetti, homemade mashed potatoes, then a side of fried vegetables (since I would not eat any sort of those nasty-looking raw veggies) to kind of balance the meal out. I was always begging for processed foods, prepackaged foods, and fast food. I would have taken a Lunchable over a sandwich any day to school or eat while I play outside ..just kidding watch television.
In middle school, I was teased. I was called fat in the hallways. I was called fat by random strangers who saw me helping my teacher 's pet of a best friend deliver papers around the
To help you see this, these 6 shocking facts about many people’s favorite kinds of junk foods will leave you thinking twice about giving into regular temptation.Junk food is a pejorative term for food containing high levels of calories from sugar or fat with little fibre, protein, vitamins or minerals. ... Food from many hamburger outlets, pizza and fried chicken outlets is often considered as junk food
When I was younger I was a very picky eater, so the only thing I would ever eat at Chick-Fli-A was the chicken nuggets. When I got a little older, I would stay with an older couple when my dad wasn’t at the house and I would have super with them. That made me try new foods that I would normally never try. As I got
In “Picky Eater” Alvarez mentioned that her parents particularly her mother was very strict on the type of food the children ate. Getting food from “en la calle was strictly forbidden” (Alvarez 144) because they might get sick catching some kind of disease from people who have prepared their food. Also, because Alvarez and her sisters were very thin, having leftovers on their plate wasn’t allowed. To ensure her kids got all the nutrition they needed, the mother had
Maureen O'Hagan wrote the story “Kids Battle the Lure of Junk Food.” O’Hagan tells the readers how hard it is for kids or young people to struggle to stay away from junk foods. Despite many young people attempt to stay away from the junk the tempting of the food always wins. There can be notes that said “Treat yourself today,” and the government want people to say no. the government want people to say no because they want to reduce the obesity among young peoples.
In contrast to my love for food now, as a toddler, I was a very picky eater. My parents tried everything in order to get me to open up to new and more nutritious foods, but I was stubborn and would only eat unhealthy dishes like mac n’ cheese and ice cream. So, my parents decided it was time to figure out a way to change my habits once and for all. After many days of research, they came across a book titled Picky Nicky by Cathy East Dubowski, which is a story about a girl, Nicky, who was very picky about what she ate until she realized that she could enjoy healthy foods as well. This book was their last resort, so they went to the bookstore and bought a copy in hopes of getting me to eat different foods. My parents read it to me, and they don't
I was a very, very, very picky eater throughout my childhood. If there was a dish I didn’t
I am hands down the worlds pickiest eater. When I was a child, my parents would create what the menu, but when I turned three I stood up for myself. No ketchup! No tomatoes! No mustard! I always found it extremely odd how people were obsessed with these foods when the sheer aroma of plain old ketchup made me gag. Every single night my family and I would sit down for dinner. No matter the meal, ketchup was always a necessity for my brother. Whether it was a juicy hamburger, grilled chicken, or even plain pasta, the Heinz ketchup was present. The worst part was our assigned seats; Brett and I were always a few inches apart. Everyday I would watch him first shake the ketchup so that the juice would mix with the substance, squeeze it out and smother it on the food. I would hold my breath
This article shows that fast food today is convenient because people have a lot of work to do in a very short time, so so thinking about driving through the fast food restaurant is easier and better than cooking. Therefore, one thing parents don't know is that fats, sugars, and salts are engaging their children primordial tastes. The most widely recognized disease that impacts children is obesity. Studies show that 15-20% of children aged 12-18 are overweight. In addition, obese children can affect emotional and
The age old saying, “You are what you eat” still rings true today. Fresh fruit and vegetables have been replaced by french-fries and hamburgers. Children today do not know how to eat healthy. We, as a nation, spend hours and hours bombarding children with fast food commercials, sugary cereal commercials and cavity causing drink commercials. We than spend a fraction of that time telling kids these things are healthy only in moderation.
Junk food, junk food, junk food is around all corners of schools. Chocolate, cookies, soda, potato chips, and Sour Strings may sound delectable to some people, but are they nutritious? Some people wonder if there should be a change. Encouraging exceptional nutrition in schools is essential by reasons of students will consume foods that are better for them, schools will pay less for meals, and fewer students would go hungry.
My journey the day I left my home country in search of a better life was not as pleasurable or exciting as I expected. Although it was not a long flight, the accumulation of unexpected vicissitudes during the trip made my dream of traveling an absolute nightmare. Not only my sadness to be leaving my family behind, the uncertainty to fly alone and for the first time, or my inexperience with the procedures at the airport contributed to this calamity, but even my neighbor on the plane added his bit of sand in the affair. All this situation was such traumatic to me that I even considered never daring to fly again.
I eventually grew to like the taste in later years. The incorporation of these childhood 'treats' came be seen in the food diary that I kept. They had become a familiar part of my diet as I began to demonstrate brand loyalty. I had a preference of KFC over Burger King and McDonalds, Pizza Hut over Pizza Pizza, etc.
Restrictions should be made against junk food in school to prevent children’s emotions and accomplishment correlated with food.“Using food as a reward or a treat, could be unintentionally teaching their children to rely on food to deal with their emotions”(rewarding kids). Children are being taught to rely on food for a confort and a emotional cope mecanism.“After a hard day of work, many adults run to food to deal with stress, reliving their childhood experience with food and comfort. The more parents use food as a reward for their children, the more likely the child will grow into an adult who eats for comfort”(rewarding kids). Kids being emotionaly attached to food may affect them when they get older and eventually into thier adult life.“The child learns to comfort themselves with that food. This leads to an unhealthy emotional connection between eating certain foods and feeling good “(rewarding kids). Children eating thier favorite foods make them feel happy so when they are upset they
As a very small child I don’t remember too much, but the things that I do remember were seen through a child’s eyes that has made me the person that I am today and I will always have those memory’s with me until my last breath on this earth. In this essay I intend to show how my childhood and adult life to this point has influenced my life, my journey. By utilizing the adult development theories from this class I also intend on showing how they relate to my Life experiences and where I am today as an Adult student.
Every journey begins with one small step. I took that step, esoterically, at the age of five, after the life altering experiences of past life flashbacks and the realization that the earthly plane was a launching pad to higher planes. I never felt the need to articulate my newfound awareness of a reality so profoundly different from that of the norm, that I acknowledged it secretly as a divine gift, I would one-day share with others.