
My Journey Of My Faith

Decent Essays

I will never forget the first time my family went to Deer Valley in Utah. It was one of the most exhausting yet restful vacations I have ever been on. We skied every day we were there, and stayed up late at night playing cards. That week is one I will never forget because I got to make lifelong memories with my favorite people. Family has always been on the top of my list of important things in life. The most important thing to me, however, is my faith. I have grown up in a Christian home, Christian school, and a local church. I have always been very active in my school. I have played volleyball, basketball, and softball all throughout high school. I am involved in NHS and a service club at my school. I love to serve in any way possible at my church either in youth or our childrens’ department. I have always enjoyed helping and serving others, and I believe that is because of my upbringing. Even though I got saved at the age of five, I accepted what other people told me about God as truth until my freshmen year of high school. After I returned from a leadership conference in Paris, France, I realized the importance of knowing why I believe what I believe. I really began to take the next steps in my faith after that, and have been serving more than ever in my church and school. In sixth grade, I began to have a huge heart for ministry. I told myself that God had called me to the mission field, and decided I wanted to get an education degree because it would be practical.

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