
My Journey Of Writing

Decent Essays

Life has thrown me numerous amounts of obstacles when it comes to my writing flourishing and growing. One moment I will be typing out straight ‘A’ papers and other days my text resembles a children’s book, and not on purpose. My journey of writing is a giant roller coaster of ideas that takes twists and turns at every second; I never know when the drop is going to happen. When it comes to my writing I have good and bad days, however; that has not stopped me from expressing myself through text. Personally I like to hear about the bad news first, in honor of that I will start from my worst writing experience in order show the growth that I continue to endure. The past summer led to the biggest transition of my life so far, from the safety net of secondary school to the vast world of college, I decided to read a book. The book A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall takes place in college, and while giving me an idealistic idea of how university life was going to be the book also taught me some realistic lessons. A quote from A Little Something Different sums up a great majority of my writing experience, “sometimes it’s better to say something stupid than nothing at all”. While I would love to sound scholarly and professional all of the time, the odds are something unintelligent is probably going to come out of my brain. In my junior year of high school I had to write an outline for an essay on the book Dracula by Bram Stoker- this did not go well. Due to my poor planning I quickly realized that writing an entire outline in one night was not the best way to gain a passing grade. The outline was probably my worst paper that I have ever written and I even remember my honors junior english teacher saying to my entire class, “If you guys don’t improve your writing then you’re going to be destroyed in advanced composition.” My awful and honestly juvenile experience lead me to write better papers my senior year. I feel that as a writer it is crucial to clear out all of the dumb thoughts in order to get to the ground breaking ones. Progress is a key component in my writing journey; as I adapted my writing the essays became more smooth and crisp. Just as Vonnegut had mentioned within his article “How to Write with

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