
My Journey To Literacy In American Schools

Decent Essays

What is the American education system without the standard, boring, and dreadful English class (as most students looks at it in this generation); it is non-existent. Every part of education here in America, for the most part, focused on English. Students here have to take some sort of English class every year from k-12, no exceptions. Most students have gone on completely different journeys to get to the level of intelligence in this subject that they are today. I’m here today to share my journey to literacy.
I consider preschool to be the luxurious times of our education. We did not have to wake up until about 9:30 in the morning, and school did not start until 10 o’clock. Pre-school was the first place that I encountered reading and writing; I do not have any memories or vivid images of me learning from my parents beforehand. I took pre-school at the brown-sided church across from the lances grocery store, …show more content…

In the 5th grade I had a teacher that taught me the basis for where all my reading and writing skills come from today. I still use little hints and trick while writing that I encountered way back in the 5th grade. For instance, she taught me a trick to spell friend, she said friend ends in “end”. She also taught me one of the most basic rules of English; I before E except after C. The only thing I remember about my 6th grade English class is that I absolutely hated it. I do not know for sure whether it was the teacher or the repetitive structure of the assignments but my attitude towards English class took a turn for the worst. My 8th grade year is where I had to start getting serious about English again because I was going to be a big high school student the following year. This was the year where I started paying attention to the structure and techniques used while writing. This is also where my reading comprehension skills started to

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