
Third Grade : My Most Memorable School Years Of My Life

Decent Essays

Fourth grade, one of my most memorable school years of my life, it was there where I changed my study habits and made an important life decision. I stopped applying myself in school and I decided to never be like my mother, to never have a job that would take me away from my family. Elementary was the same as everyone, the best of times of my life, school wasn’t much of a bother, I had no worries and lunch was the best. When it was time for me to even start, my family moved twice that year , so when I actually started I went in with my brother and it was with him that I noticed a difference between his ability to learn and mine. He always struggled with school, but I always found school work easier and hardly ever had difficulty. I recall in first grade my teacher would read these series of books called Junie B. Jones and wow, how I was hooked, the whole class would beg her to read more and more. Once I went to second grade I, like other students would continue reading the Junie B. Jones series but little by little I noticed that fewer and fewer kids would read. I can’t be for certain if it was all the books I would read, but whenever I had a vocabulary test I would remember them and never had a quick review right before the quiz, the point is I was good at school and my teachers could tell. Call me a narcissist, but I loved teacher conference because my teachers would always talk so highly of me and I could’ve never help it a smile would always come across my face no

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