
My Life Has Been Affected By Limiting Beliefs

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My Limiting Beliefs I can see that my life has been affected by limiting beliefs. These limiting beliefs were clear to see when it came down to this winter term. My limiting beliefs were passed down to me by my outer influences; however, I don 't just mean my family and friends. I am being influenced by the culture we’re around too. As a culture my generation cares more about legalizing marijuana then it does about education. As for my family background, college was never seen as a necessity. I was never encouraged to go further than high school. It was an individual decision. Not many people from my family have gone to college; also, when it comes to my intermediate family I am the first to attend any type of schooling after high school. Although I am motivated, my surroundings don 't influence me in positive aspects. I am currently working a part time job while being enrolled in two six week winter courses. It 's become very hectic and I’m not sure I manage well. The limiting beliefs that affect me the most are the lack of effort I put toward my education, the emotions/stress I let affect me, and the lack of confidence I have in my own intelligence. A limiting belief I have that keeps me from success is the lack of effort I put toward my education. The culture we live in doesn’t appreciate education enough, in my generation college is looked at as a necessity but is priced as a luxury. By the time people enroll in college we expect to be fed

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