
My Life - Original Writing

Decent Essays

“This is the end” she sobbed as her bottom lip twitched. After two years and ten months, she no longer wants me in her life. It should have been a rainy night as we stood in the middle of a dark alleyway on the way back to her parents’ house. I stare at her like my soul was just taken out of my body and take a deep, quivering breath. I turned cold, like my heart stopped pumping warm blood around my veins and instead thrust ice-cold toxic water as it burns my insides. I never mistreated her once, I thought she was the one. “How could you do this Anastasia? I will do anything in my power to keep you from leaving me. Because without you I am nothing”. Her beautiful lips which were ever so tender opened as she spoke “I’m sorry Tim, I need time to figure out what I am doing with my life”. I honestly just wanted to drive my lips onto hers and stop her from talking. Teardrops filled up her blue eyes. I began to wonder into my own world, thinking about how beautiful her eyes are. They remind me of the ocean but not just any ocean, an ocean so beautiful even seagulls idolise it. They remind me of a secluded ocean, where the waves crash and the dolphins leap through the air in joy, where the slight breeze lifts sand onto my face. It is an ocean where I feel free, where I feel like I 'm at home, where I feel even the sharks wouldn’t hurt a soul. Her eyes show me a different world, they show me another dimension to life. However, right now as I deeply stare into them it feels like I

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