
My Life - Original Writing

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If I am going to tell the story of my life I might as well start at the beginning, the very beginning, my parents. My mom is Monica Ann Hill. She is a quarter Italian and a quarter German. She was born to Cathleen Trosen and Gary Trosen on August 29th, 1973 in Covina, California. Her parents were divorced when she was a teenager and her mom later remarried to Boud Jackson. My Grandpa Bob. My mom was baptised a member of the LDS Church at the age 16 and went to college at BYU, Brigham Young University, where she met my dad. My dad is Paul Clement Hill. He is a quarter Scottish, a quarter Welsh, and a quarter English. He was born to Audrey Hill and Donald Hill on August 29th, 1973 in Bangkok, Thailand. He was born there because his dad was an international banker. He later moved to many other places ending in Connecticut, USA. He was baptised a member of the church at the age 8. He also went to college at BYU, and after meeting my mom served an LDS mission in California. After his mission they married in the Salt Lake, UT temple. While still in college they gave birth to my brother Bailey Thompson Hill in Utah. After college they gave birth to my sister Michaela Jane Hill in California. After living there for a while they moved to Denver, CO where in 2001 they gave birth to me, Rory Theodora Hill on November 1st. I was born in the Swedish Hospital in Denver. I was, according to my mom, the second hardest baby because I was hard to birth and very large. I was also, according

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