
My Literary Impact Of Reading And My Reading

Decent Essays

My earliest reading memories are of me reading the little books from the bookstore that would have the difficulty level marked by a number like a red 1 or green 2. The book I remember reading in particular was the Jungle Book, I was around four or five years old. The first and probably best literary sponsor I’ve ever had is my mother. From a young age my mom was teaching me big words and buying all types of books, like Baby Einstein and little level 1 paperback books. My mom made sure I knew words that would be considered long and complicated for a 4-year-old, but as a result when other kids were saying something simple like “I'm sorry” I was saying “I Apologize” at 4! The literary impact of my mom has greatly and positively affected my literacy. As I got older I started to grow a deep interest in biographies and books about people’s daily lives and cultures. I began to read several books about Nelson Mandela, Malcolm X, and Al Capone just to name a few. I also would watch movies or shows then read the books they were based on, I know that sounds backward but that’s the way I liked to do it. I read books like Hunger Games, Life of Pi, and Game of Thrones: Story of ice and fire. The reading of these books really began to open up my knowledge and appreciation for the art of storytelling at the young age of around 12 years old. Then my love of music, football, and other interests caused me to do more informational reading as I got into my early to mid teens til even now I'm a

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