If fatherhood has taught me anything, it has taught me that life never works out the way you plan it. At the ambitious age of 18 I had the most foolproof plan on how my life was going to play out. I was going into college, pre-med. Four years later I would go into the University of Kentucky and study medicine, pediatrics. Then, and only then, would I settle down with kids of my own. I was going to do great things, achieve so much, travel the world. I had it planned in my head but little did I know, God had a plan that was bigger than my own.
July 18th, 2009. That was the first step into this life I am in now. The day God granted me a wife. I never would have thought that I would been married right out of high school, but it seemed right. Step three of my foolproof plan came a little bit too early. I seemed to have jumped forward 8 years ahead of my plan. “That’s ok”, I thought to myself, “I can reassess and do this”. Around 11 months after that date is when we welcomed our first daughter into the world. Never would I have thought that a year removed from high school would I have a daughter. I had already seemed that my life had spiraled out of my control. This was not how I envisioned my perfect life! What seemed like a foolproof plan, turned me into a fool to try and plan it. Over the next several years we welcomed four other kids into our happy family, three boys and another girl. Now eight years later I have five kids and no MD. So, what do I do now? Regroup? Create
2008 my wife and I were blessed with our first child Wyatt Gregory Peconi. He was born premature and
December 17, I had to endure a long hard journey but it made me into the person I am
RN. Therefore, I went back to school and became a RN in 2012. Presently, I am employed as
I'd love to ůbecome a medical assistant because I love to help out those in need and I would want to make a difference in people’s lives.growing up I was very unsure of what I wanted to be cause people I was around that didn’t put a great view in perspective for me. i also didn’t think much how important it was supposed to be, and I wanted to live the fast life.start life early. The thing I did do was keep my grades up and pay attention I wasn’t slacking it in my classes kept my grades up no lower than a C as I remember . then I ended up getiing pregnant and I couldn’t finish school the father of my baby was around in the beginning but doesn’t help out anymore
First I started with Pre-Med thinking I would be a rich doctor. After doing classes for
Up until the eighth grade, I wasn’t certain what I wanted to do after high school, I had at least four
January 1st I packed myself my 2 year old daughter and most of our belongings into a new home. I never would have guessed that in approximately two and a half years I would have been getting a divorce from the person who I had been so in love with just a few years earlier. Someone who I had built a home with, someone who I had spent the last 7 years of my life with had a child and raised a step child as my own with.
When I started my freshman year I considered becoming a pediatrician, which was just one of the many turns on the rollercoaster of figuring out my life. But that ride ended when I took anatomy and physiology my sophomore, it helped me to decide that my passion is to obtain my Doctorate of Physical Therapy; hopefully as a Jaguar.
ago when i was in kinder garden. I was excited and afraid at the same time because it has been a very long time
April 1, 2007 we got the phone call stating we had finally been approved to move into our first family home after 13 years. We were so ecstatic that we immediately started packing that very night. The
I finally decided I was going to study fashion in the 11th grade, which was a surprise to my family and even myself. Everyone wanted me to become a lawyer, but that was not my passion. It
December 1999, the year I decided to do a big change in my life and move to Springfield, Massachusetts. I am from a little town in Puerto Rico, which few people are familiar with, coming to such a big country. It was a challenge that change the way I see life and the way I see right from wrongs.
I decided very early in life that I wanted to become a medical doctor because I always felt the need to help people who were sick. People thought I did not have the brains for that, but my passion
My wife and I were planning our future. You should've known I needed it for an important cause.
In June of 2012, our family decided to go on a vacation together. My mom, dad, brothers, sister, and I got into the car and drove to California from Idaho. It took us about eight hours to get there. When we arrived we checked into the hotel and swam in the pool a bit. Then we went up to our room and rested for the big day to come.