I arrived just before the students return from them after lunch recess. The kids gather in the room, took off their coats and boats and put on their inside shoes. The students then gather at the circle carpet for read aloud with their teacher. My mentor teacher has started reading the Charlotte’s Web to the students. Many of the students had either read the book or saw the movie so they were extremely excited to give their input during the reading. My mentor teacher read several chapters and the gradually transitioned the students to their language art centers. This is the week they will be finishing up these particular learning centers, as a new set of centers will be set up for the next week. My mentor teacher changes the centers every week
We entered the room towards the middle of story time, but throughout the remanding reading I noticed a few things. During the reading, the teacher spoke in a monotone voice and had little facial changes. As a child, I remember getting read to and how exciting it was to hear the different voice octaves in the speaker’s voice as they told the story. When the character was saying something exciting her voice, tone, and facial expressions should have changed to represent that excitement. This animation would grab the child’s attention and further build the student’s interest in reading. Additionally, I noticed how half the students seemed to be into the book, eyes focused on the teacher and/or making comments about the book when they felt necessary. On the other hand the rest of the students seemed less focused with wondering eyes that seemed to frequently find us in the back of the room. I didn’t fine my observations during story time too telling because the students were still getting use to us being
Since second grade reading starts at 12:45 p.m. and I come to the classroom at 1:00 o’clock p.m., I walked into the classroom and say, “Good afternoon.” Today, I helped two students, one-on-one. One student I worked with was creating a sentence using the word was. Before I started helping this student, I told her “I like your hair clips.” While I was helping her with her sentence, I would ask her to read the sentence to me to check for errors. The other student I helped one-on-one with was to creating a sentence using the word are. I did notice this student did not appear to be as motivated to work on this task and kept saying, “I don’t know how.” I helped this student by giving him positive comments such as, “I think you can do; you are almost there.” Both of these students I helped have different learning needs and I help assistance their needs by demonstrating a positive attitude and ask questions to help students complete tasks. By greeting the students, this allows students to know I do not have any bias
After this, the students talked to each other and they decided that they enjoy it when the teacher reads to them. The teacher read the book and the students followed along with the reading. When the teacher finished reading, she asked various questions that the students had to answer. The students, had to discuss the question and the answer with their group members. The teacher, asked each group to give their answer and, all the students participated in the activity. They had a good teacher and student relationship. The students respected the teacher and she did an awesome job with the lesson. The teacher, talked to us and, explained that when she creates her lessons she tries her best to incorporate group work and class discussions. Her goal is, that her students are engage in the lesson that she created.
Everyday Soldiers separate from the military, and everyday Soldiers are left without jobs. I read an article recently entitled “3 Important Reasons Why Having a Mentor Matters” by Joshlyn Ross. This article discusses why it is so important to have a mentor when looking into starting your own business, and what benefits it can have on your success. The first focus is that a mentor can provide you with expertise you might not have such as hiring needs, accounting needs, or marketing needs. Along with helping you identify the correct direction, the second reason mentors matter, is that a mentor can help you avoid common mistakes through real life experiences. The final focus is that having a mentor can set you up to be a lifelong learner in that as a business owner you are going to have to learn and adapt to changes
Often times the first thing that is need to accept to change is that something could be better. This is the case with my scholastic experience so far, when I was in high school I didn't study much. Going into my college experience I wanted to make sure that I could succeed, that's when I found the Framework for Success class. During the meet the mentor night I was introduced to my mentor Avery and he was very experienced and helpful. I learned many things during the meeting and las opened to new ideas as well.
My mentor and I are complete opposites. She is open and outgoing. Around 5’3 with tan skin and dark brown eyes. Her teeth are straight and white. Her silhouette was pudgy, kind of like that of a chef that cooks soul food, but she was attractive with her newly short, burgundy hair. I was a was meek and laid back kid, standing 5’6. Dark hair, medium brown skin. My smile was crooked, but you could only tell if I’d open my mouth wide and tilt my head back. A peculiar relationship of contradictions, I know, but we clicked nonetheless. We were always smiling and laughing. In contrast, we did shed a few tears of silent moments. Our friendship was raw and real, it’s been that was since my freshman year coming back to Ohio from Pearland, Texas after only living there for
I also realized that I needed to read more into classroom management. I noticed the teacher had withitness since she could conduct a reading group while watching and listening to the other 5 stations of students scattered across the room. She was able to read the book out loud to the class while noticing the students’ behavior such as a child who had put a rock in her mouth. The teacher calmly stopped reading and told the girl to spit the rock out and throw it away while exclaiming that rocks are not intended for our mouths or eating. Then she began to read again. I did not even see the rock from where I was
The biggest challenge for my mentor has been getting her students to engage in the activities and to reciprocate what they’ve learned so far. Her sped student is not getting the help he needs at home to further his education, which pushes him behind in class. He doesn’t do anything that she sends him home with because he has no one there to sit him down and do it. It is still a challenge because his mom refuses to get him help, so he’s not getting the attention he
For this project my mentor will be mrs. Lourdes, she used to babysit me when I was little. She lives in Mexico and I had lost her phone number, therefore I had to do some investigation before I could contact her, but it was worth it. Her husband died when her children were very little but she kept going and gave all her four children a career. She paid for all their school supplies and believe me it was not an easy task, and she was always characterized for having a smile on her face and her willingness to help others
I have not yet worked in a school setting, but I have worked in several agencies and offices where collaboration with colleagues was present. One agency I have worked in was a domestic violence shelter, which housed up to forty-five women and children. In addition, we ran a twenty-four hour crisis hotline, provided individual and group counseling services, and educated those out in the community about domestic violence. It took a lot of collaboration with colleagues to have the agency run smoothly and effectively. When issues arose with clients staying in the shelter, my colleagues and I would met to discuss the issues and how we were going to work together to solve them. Together we were able to discuss all of these factors and agree upon
I called my mentor at 3pm to let him know I was on my way to his apartment. When I got to his place, he opened the door and welcomed me in. We talked about our week and decided to look at the list that we made together. The list has activities that he wants to do before we terminate our relationship. I read the list aloud reminding him that I’m reading some of the ideas we came up with together. When I was finished reading the list he said, “I wanted to make dinner together.” He already thawed the chicken legs in the refrigerator. I asked him what he wanted to make out of the chicken and he wanted hot wings and chicken broccoli rice. I found a recipe on the Internet for Buffalo wings. I started putting the chicken legs on a baking pan. My mentor
The aim of this essay is to discuss on how the reflection on mentorship will be undertaken, how and why the model of reflection will be used and the importance of confidentiality. I will reflect the mentorship by ensuring that the mentee during clinical practice is put at ease throughout the learning experience of four weeks (Quinn, and Hughes 2007, p. 29). Also, I will use the principle of Kolb’s learning cycle as my model of reflection because reflecting is an essential element of learning. As I am the mentor, I will follow this cycle in a clockwise direction with Jude, so she would have to reflect on the skills learnt by reviewing the whole situation (Kolb’s learning cycle 1984 in Rose and Best 2005, p.129). This would enable Jude to
Over the course of a person's career, it is likely that there will be many people who positively impact and make a significant difference in a person's life. Sometimes, these people may even surface before a person begins their career and may appear in the form of teachers, coaches or even parents.
As part of my introduction, I would like to mention that my research project is about mentoring where I have chosen ‘questioning’ as my strategy. In this report, I will discuss in detail about my ‘Mentoring through Questioning’, which is a key for my research project report. Here, I will cover the project’s context in which it was set, my aims and focus of the project, my justification on why I have chosen mentoring through questioning and the types of questions being used during this project, in support of the relevant literature. And then eventually, I will mention about the interactive sessions between a mentor and mentee, the reflection or the perspectives, specifying the self-analysis as well as the required feedback from mentee as part of the research strategy. Later, I will conclude this report by mentioning about the effectiveness of mentoring sessions and the future actions planned for my skills development.
Chapter 5: Are You a Mentor? , provides advice on how to and how “not to” find a mentor. Having mentorship is important to career succession, but what is the best way to find and maintain a mentor. Since, unfortunately, women seem to have more difficulty than men in finding a mentor, Sandberg suggests that rather than asking someone to be your mentor, women should ” Excel and you will get a mentor.” She emphasizes to do good work, ask profound questions and always be respectful of you mentors time in order to maintain a mentor. Chapter 6: