
My Moral Philosophy Essays

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What is a moral code? I feel that a moral code is a "unwritten code that one lives by," This code is indicating how I should live. There is not anyone watching over me judging my moral code; just I am responsible to my self for my actions. However, a moral code should always be in my head and tells me how to act in all situations. An example would be littering; is it right to throw that gum wrapper out the window of my car? No, just put it in a pocket, I can throw it out later. If you I throw that wrapper out the window I might feel what Dick Gregory (433) calls "shame"; the feeling of regret or disgrace over an action like throwing a gum wrapper out the window. The moral code would make me …show more content…

Moral philosophy is just how one should live. I like to think of myself as a person who lives for fun, always trying to enjoy myself, just like the Epicureans(417). I feel that I have my whole life to be busy and earn cash. So why not enjoy myself now, go on that trip with my friends, step back and take the back road to enjoy the scenery? If I do not enjoy life, why live? However, I do have to do certain things to enjoy life. Just like the Epicureans, I must first satisfy my moral code before I engage in pleasure seeking. This means to me that I must fulfill my moral obligation to myself to finish school and stick with my moral code in order to enjoy myself. In order to enjoy life I need to have summers off, have a few dollars, and some one to enjoy life with me. To do that I now realize that I need to get my schoolwork done in order to get a degree, which will entitle me to those summers of fun! Therefore, I need to do my work now, instead of taking that one more drink or playing one more Dart game. Plus, at the end of the day I will feel better about myself since I did what I was supposed to do in upholding my moral code. If I

stick to my moral code, it will enable me to reach what the Epicureans call "Hedonism", better known as pleasure. When seeking this pleasure, though, I must put the surplus of pleasure over pain always. To do this I might have to endure "pain" as in writing papers

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