
My Name Yochanan

Decent Essays

Names mean a lot. They give a means for others to identify us and may have a rich history that provides clues to a person’s ancestry. Some parents name their children after a family member, historical figure, or for other important reasons. Sadly, my name wasn’t chosen for any of those reasons. My parents found it in a baby name book and decided they liked it. However, the name Gavin itself has a long history, going back to the middle ages. It is believed to be derived from the name Gawain, King Arthur’s nephew and one of the Knights of the Round Table in Arthurian legend. Gawain traces back further, having the latin form Walganus and appearing to originate from the name Gwalchmei, who was an early version of Gawain. Gwalchmei may be a combination of the Welsh word gwalch, which means hawk, and mei, which is the month of May. Another …show more content…

On average, 1 in every 198 people you meet in the US will have the last name Jones. The name originates from the first name Jon, a medieval variant of John. Going further down the rabbit hole, John comes from the Greek name Ioannes, in turn originating from the Hebrew name Yochanan, which means, “Yahweh is gracious.” If you don’t know, Yahweh is the Hebrew name for God. John is also the name of two important characters in the Bible, John the Baptist and the apostle John. I don’t give much importance to names except as a way to identify me, so I don’t see my name as being inextricably tied to my personality. I also don’t wish I had a different first or middle name, but I would somewhat like to have a different last name. I feel that Jones is a boring last name and that “Gavin Jones” just sounds bland. Although, it’s also possible that most people feel that way about their name. Though I may not give that much importance to my name, with some exceptions, I still want it to have a positive connotation in other people’s

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