
My Opinion Of Creativity And Mental Disorders Subjective Nature Essay

Better Essays

Hello Professor Huffman. The primary motivations for writing this draft is to argue that my opinion of creativity and mental disorders subjective nature is a valid one. My other primary motivations are to achieve a good grade and too improve my writing abilities. I revised my essay by fixing the grammar mistakes you listed in the first draft, and correcting citation and grammar mistakes as I reread my essay. I also expanded on my counter arguments to hopefully convince my audience that I understand that they may have doubts after reading the earlier portions of my essay. I received feedback from Khalid Alkhaldi, however, I did not accept all of his feedback I did expand on his point that the counter argument was not yet adequate and expanded on it like I mentioned above. One criticism of his criticisms was that my thesis was not clear, however, I would argue that it is very clear. I believe that he may think that the first sentence of an essay is the only place a thesis can be based on what he said. If this was not the case I do not know how to make it any clearer, which would be my mistake of course. The lesson I learned is that I should not choose topics that are very open-ended unless I am a stakeholder or have a strong opinion on the topic. The biggest challenge I had in writing this is the fact that I had no real opinion, besides the fact research is required to know what was true.

Creativity and Mental Disorders: Subjective Dilemma The mentally ill have been

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